Learn2Focus TransForum Newsletter – Oh The Places They’ll Go!

AS seen on Hawaii News Now. Click here to read the story. Learn2Focus -Virtual Online Training Taking OFF! Oh The Places They’ll Go! 

Aloha! Whether you had a vacation, staycation, or had to work, I hope you all had a GREAT Spring Break.  Many of you took advantage of the break and had your children assessed for our programs. We had a blast meeting you all, and look forward to a fun and productive summer.  Welcome  to our Learn 2 Focus ohana!

Dr. Seuss Quote

The always wise and wonderful Dr. Seuss was right on point, so let’s all help our kids with BRAIN GAIN this summer and not BRAIN DRAIN.  Studies show that students lose 2 to 3 months of reading and math skills over the summer.  Researchers recommend students with speech, language or learning  challenges increase treatment intensity during summer months to prevent loss of skills, and to better position them for the new school year.

After our March newsletter we received many calls from parents inquiring about our programs and what they could do to help their children during the summer.  More than 95% of the inquiries were about challenges related to processing and attention.  What frequently went hand in hand with attention and processing, were problems with reading and comprehension.  Neuroscientist, Dr. Martha Burns recently blogged on an associated topic.Many families had a difficult time deciding which program to choose – Fast ForWord or Reading Assistant.  Whether you are in Kindergarten or 12th grade, both programs develop essential language and literacy skills using a variety of techniques.

Fast ForWord - Auditory Processing

Exciting news!!! You spoke and we have listened. We didn’t want any family to have to choose one program over another so we decided to do something we’ve never done before.  As a one month trial, we will offer both programs for the REGULAR cost of our Fast ForWord training. From now until May 15, 2015, for every virtual Fast ForWord program purchased, you will also receive the Reading Assistant program for free.  That is a savings of $799.00. Now you don’t have to make a choice – you can have both!!!   Because this is just a trial offer, your order and payment must be received by May 15, 2015.

Keep in mind, you do not need to have dyslexia, or challenges with reading in order to benefit from Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant.  They have been used to increase SAT scores, improve attention, working memory and processing skills, as well as writing skills.  Here’s a study by Dr. Paula Talla  which presented revolutionary research using the Fast ForWord program with college students. The studies sought to determine whether college students using Fast ForWord would show improvements in attention, reading, and writing. Results were impressive, with significant improvements not only in attention and reading, but in writing as well.

Brain - Memory, Attention, Processing, Sequencing

Fast ForWord targets the critical underlying cognitive skills necessary to become a good reader and learner.

  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Processing
  • Sequencing

For more information on FastForword click here.
Reading Assistant is the ONLY program available that uses voice recognition to build fluency skills which are critical to reading comprehension.  Reading Assistant:

  • Targets fluency skills
  • Builds strategic comprehension skills by identifying a reading purpose and plan.
  • Encourages vocabulary building
  •  Enhances critical thinking skills such as prediction
  • Offers the opportunity to apply prior knowledge,
  • Persuades the reader how to use clues to develop context
  •  Directs reader with critical questioning to make real world connections.

For more information on Reading Assistant, click here.
In this link, Dr. Timothy Rasinski, a fluency expert, discusses the importance of automaticity which frees up more space for cognitive resources.