Reading Fluency and Comprehension

Effectively Improve Reading Skills

The ability to read fluently, retain and comprehend material is critical in many assignments, activities and professions — yet 50 percent of adults are unable to read at an eighth grade level, and more than one in every three children reads below the most basic level on The National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Reading comprehension and fluency are related to the brain’s ability to recognize and interpret letters and symbols accurately and in sequence. Not surprisingly, reading difficulties are often associated with a developmental and processing disorders that can impact memory, attention, focus and executive and cognitive skills.

Signs your child may be struggling with reading fluency challenges:

  • Stuttering or cluttering
  • Repetitions of sounds, syllables, or whole words; prolongations of single sounds; or blocks of airflow or voicing during speech
  • Hesitations, interjections of sounds, syllables, or words; word revisions or complete changes in words
  • Motor movements associated with stuttering (such as eye blinking, loss of eye contact or extraneous movements)

Common reading comprehension impairments:

  • Difficulty comprehending written material
  • Language and visual processing deficits
  • Difficulty remembering what was just read
  • Poor short-term memory
  • Difficulty recognizing common words by sight
  • Inability to sound out words or decode
  • Phonological weakness
  • Substituting associated words for a term (e.g. flying for soaring)
  • Difficulty including non-content words (e.g. function words such as to, from, the)
  • Poor phrasing; poor fluency

Over time, reading challenges can leave you or your child feeling isolated and less capable than others. You may have looked everywhere for a solution but to no avail, finally settling on a Band-Aid of in-school accommodations and accepting that you or your child are stuck with your current reading challenges.

Learn 2 Focus Reading Programs for Kids
Learn 2 Focus is a pioneer in Hawaii in using brain training to improve reading and academic performance, regardless of what type of learning challenge you have. With focused brain training, many children have improved from an A to an A+ or D to a B, simply by choosing the right program and receiving guidance from a professional brain coach.

We provide a variety of intensive brain training solutions that can help your child overcome his or her reading comprehension and fluency struggles and improve self-confidence. Combine Reading Assistant and Fast ForWord to see even greater improvement.

  • Reading Assistant
    Reading Assistant (RA) is a reading practice program that can help your child significantly boost his or her reading comprehension and fluency. By using state-of-the-art speech recognition technology, the RA software offers a supportive listener that can help build fluency and comprehension
  • Fast ForWord
    Fast ForWord is a reading intervention program that bases its approach on studies that suggest your child’s language challenges may be the result of mishearing the sounds, rather than the brain interpreting them incorrectly. By focusing on the basic building blocks of speech — and the written word — your child can improve sound processing, reading and language and a variety of other cognitive skills.

To learn more about how the Learn 2 Focus brain training solutions can help your child overcome reading challenges, please call 808-352-0116 or Contact Us Now

The training group received daily training during the spring semester (11weeks) with the Fast ForWord Literacy…The group who received training began with statistically lower writing skills before training, but exceeded the writing skills of the comparison group after training.” (read the study)
— US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
We know from the Hart and Risley study that children living in poverty start kindergarten with a much smaller vocabulary than children with two college-educated parents. The issue is not that these children can’t learn. They simply haven’t heard all the sounds that kids in middle or upper-middle class homes have heard. With Fast ForWord, we can create changes in the brain that provide a foundation for learning and reading success.
— Dr. Lewis Holloway, Superintendent of Bulloch County School District, Statesboro, GA